Nipple Development Slut 5 is an interesting manga series that features the life of a young girl named Megumi. Megumi, a high school student, was known for her small frame and flat chest, which was something that she was insecure about. However, that all changed when she came across this mysterious bowl that promised to develop her breasts. Being the curious and desperate girl that she was, Megumi took the bowl and followed the instructions. Little did she know that this bowl would change her life forever.
As she ate from the bowl, Megumi’s breasts started to grow. At first, it was just a small change, but as she continued to eat from the bowl, her breasts grew bigger and bigger. She was amazed by the results and couldn’t believe that it was actually working.
So watch NHDTB-87303 with Pleasure & enjoy.
- Video Code: NHDTB-87303
- Actress: Hasegawa Yuna
- Subtitle: English
- Studio: NHDTB
- Country: Japan
- Duration: 73 mins
- Release Date: 19 Dec 2023
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