Amidst the humdrum commotion of daily transit, a group of men lurked in the shadows of the crowded subway cars, their eyes fixed intently on the innocent girls and students who shared their space. Their intentions were clear; these predators sought to prey upon the vulnerable, preying upon the fears and anxieties that plague us all in moments of vulnerability.
One victim, in particular, caught their eye – a shy and reserved girl who seemed oblivious to the danger that loomed so close. They closed in around her, touching her softly at first, then gradually increasing the intensity of their caresses. Soon, they began to touch her more boldly, exploring every inch of her fragile frame with insatiable desire.
So watch NHDTB-117 with Pleasure & enjoy.
- Video Code: NHDTB-117
- Studio: NHDTB
- Country: Japan
- Duration: 136 mins
- Release Date: 25 Apr 2018
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